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Conflict Styles

Join us for an engaging webinar on how to use storytelling to navigate communication conflicts and improve your relationships. In this session, we will explore the various communication styles that can lead to conflicts and the impact these conflicts can have on our relationships and personal well-being. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, you will learn how storytelling can be used as a tool for understanding and addressing different communication styles and resolving conflicts. We will cover how to craft and deliver effective stories, how to use storytelling to build empathy and understanding, and how to use it as a means to inspire and empower others. This webinar is perfect for professionals, leaders, coaches, or anyone looking to improve their communication skills and resolve conflicts in a more effective way. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn how storytelling can help you communicate better and build stronger relationships. 

Friday, July 21 (1-2pm) EST


Join us for a thought-provoking webinar delving into the complexity and richness of Mezzaterra, where the blending of different cultures and perspectives can lead to both conflict and creativity. You will learn how storytelling can be used as a powerful tool for understanding and engaging with the perspectives and experiences of others, and for finding common ground. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, you will learn how to craft and deliver stories that bridge cultural divides and foster mutual understanding. This webinar is perfect for professionals, leaders, educators, or anyone interested in cross-cultural communication and understanding the complexities of cultural overlap. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to use the power of storytelling to navigate and thrive in Mezzaterra.

Friday, September 22 (1-2pm) EST

Perspective Shifting  

Discover the power of storytelling to shift perspectives and gain new insights at our upcoming webinar. This session will explore how the art of storytelling can be used as a tool to gain fresh perspectives on ourselves, others and the world around us. We will cover how to craft and deliver stories that challenge assumptions, broaden horizons, and inspire new ways of thinking. Through interactive exercises and real-life examples, you will learn how to use storytelling to gain new insights and understanding about people, situations, and yourself. This webinar is perfect for professionals, leaders, coaches, or anyone looking to expand their perspective and become more open-minded and empathetic. Don't miss this opportunity to gain new insights and understand how storytelling can help us shift our perspectives and see the world in a whole new light.

Friday, November 10 (1-2pm) EST