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Perfect Stories, Fast AF


Our phone app. Your storytelling coach

Who it's for: Our users are students, advocates, educators, team-builders, veterans, entrepreneurs, leaders, job-seekers, from 18-95, from California to NY. I

f you need to connect fast and with authenticity, tell an ULUstory!


It's not rocket science. It's neuroscience. The stronger the dramatic arc, the more powerful the story. And Storyweaver makes it easy.

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Find. Build. Share.

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Find just the right story

Ever told the wrong story at the wrong time? Or just not been able to think of any story at all for that wedding toast you are supposed to give next month? What about for your upcoming job interview when they ask "what's your biggest weakness"? Storyweaver will ask a set of questions to spark your memory and creativity - and then, if you still can't think of a good story, will provide multiple story suggestions you might find applicable for your needs.

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Craft and re-craft

You don't have to be a good writer, or a fiction writer, or even spell well. Once you find the story you want to tell, we provide a set of prompts to help you craft your story in the right shape to make the most impact - to create trust, empathy, and connection with any listener, across barriers and cultures.

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Share selectively

Want some input into the story you've crafted? Or, to share it with team members or family, or even just a close friend? Or your therapist! Want a copy you can download and edit, to use this story in multiple ways over the years? We make this easy with just a couple of clicks. Don't be shy! And don't be afraid to recycle and reuse your stories - they get better with every retelling.


Download the app now!

Find out how easy it is to find and craft the perfect story. Amaze your friends, thrill your teachers, charm your investors, dazzle interviewers, and inspire your teams!

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