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Lawyers: a free CLE webinar on storytelling and negotiation! Our treat to you.

Deb V. Pagnotta, JD, our founder, is providing a 2 hour CLE webinar on Storytelling in Negotiations. It is provided through MyLawCLE and the Federal Bar Association.

Here's a free pass for you.  It's on March 18, 


Coupon code: StorytellingCLE25

How We Make The Sausage

The Science Behind ULUstories

(and what makes us different than other storytelling tools)


At ULUstory, we believe in the transformative power of personal stories. Not just any stories, but ones with a strong, dramatic arc that engage, connect, and inspire. Our approach is grounded in the neuroscience of storytelling, creating what we call "ULUstories"—narratives that foster trust, empathy, connection and emotional resilience.


The Neuroscience of Storytelling


In 2013, we were inspired by neuroscientist Paul Zak’s research on storytelling and oxytocin—the “trust hormone.” His work showed that hearing stories with a specific dramatic arc trigger oxytocin release, promoting empathy and trust between people. Since then, further studies have revealed even more physiological processes that explain why storytelling is such a powerful tool for connection.


How Stories Create Connection


Oxytocin and Dopamine Release
Stories with a dramatic arc trigger oxytocin, fostering social bonding and empathy. They also release dopamine, helping listeners stay engaged and emotionally invested in the journey.


Neural Coupling
Brain scans show that when we listen to a story, our brain activity mirrors the storyteller’s. This process, called neural coupling, allows us to emotionally “sync” with the story, as if we’re living it ourselves.


Cardiac Synchrony
Emotional storytelling can even synchronize heart rates between the storyteller and listeners, creating a shared physiological connection—literally, “two hearts beating as one.”


Empathy and Trust
Storytelling activates brain regions associated with empathy, imagination, and decision-making, fostering deeper trust and understanding.


Theory of Mind
Stories engage our ability to understand others’ mental states, helping us see the world through their perspective. This can shift attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.


Why ULUstories Work


ULUstories are built around a simple but profound structure: the dramatic arc. Unlike the traditional “hero’s journey,” our framework explores who you were at the start of the story, how you responded to a pivotal moment, and who you are now. This structure amplifies emotional resonance and authenticity.


Not all stories have neat endings. Sometimes, we sit with uncertainty. Sometimes, we tell them differently as our perspectives change over time. A single event can inspire countless ULUstories, each uniquely meaningful to the storyteller and the listeners.


And There's More....


In addition to the power of the dramatic arc, working with ULUstories supports connection and emotional fitness throughout the entire storytelling process—starting from finding the right story, to crafting it, and ultimately verbalizing it.


Finding Your Stories


The act of reflecting on and selecting a personal story is rooted in the science of meaning-making. Research shows that the deceptively simple act of reflecting on significant moments helps individuals process emotions, reduce stress, and gain valuable insights into their lives. By guiding you through this reflective process, ULUstory helps you uncover stories that resonate deeply with you and your audience, laying the foundation for connection and personal growth.


Crafting Your Stories


The creative process of crafting a story takes this a step further. Studies lreveal that shaping life events into a coherent narrative enhances self-understanding and emotional resilience. At ULUstory, we help you build your story stgep by step, constructing stories that are authentic and intentional - amplifying impact on both the storyteller and the listener.


Telling Your Stories


​Finally, because we focus on verbal storytelling, it's important to know that physical act of telling your story aloud boosts immersion by combining emotional connection with sensory engagement. ​


The Heart of ULUstory


At its core, ULUstory is about fostering connection through what Paul Zak calls "immersion": the state of being fully focused, emotionally engaged, and connected to an experience.


Whether you’re telling or listening, stories create a shared space where trust, empathy, and understanding thrive. This ancient human tradition is now backed by modern neuroscience, proving that stories transform us—physiologically, emotionally, and socially.​​​​


As we like to say, “This isn’t rocket science. It’s neuroscience!” By tapping into how our brains respond to stories, ULUstory helps our users and clients create experiences that are memorable, transformative, and profoundly human.



Some Readings​


Oxytocin and Immersion


Zak, Paul J., The Moral Molecule: How Trust Works (2013)


Zak, Paul J., Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and the Source of Happiness (2022)


Zak, Paul J,, Why Inspiring Stories Make Us React: The Neuroscience of Narrative, Cerebrum. 2015 Feb 2;2015:2. PMID: 26034526; PMCID: PMC4445577.

Merritt, S. H., Krouse, M., Alogaily, R. S., & Zak, P. J. (2022). Continuous neurophysiologic data accurately predict mood and energy in the elderly. Brain Sciences, 12(9), 1240.

Zak, P. J., Curry, B., Owen, T., & Barraza, J. A. (2022). Oxytocin release increases with age and is associated with life satisfaction and prosocial behaviors. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 16, 846234.


Neural Coupling 

Stephens GJ, Silbert LJ, Hasson U., Speaker-listener neural coupling underlies successful communication. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Aug 10;107(32):14425-30. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1008662107. Epub 2010 Jul 26. PMID: 20660768; PMCID: PMC2922522.

Hasson U, Ghazanfar AA, Galantucci B, Garrod S, Keysers C., Brain-to-brain coupling: a mechanism for creating and sharing a social world. Trends Cogn Sci. 2012 Feb;16(2):114-21. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2011.12.007. Epub 2012 Jan 3. PMID: 22221820; PMCID: PMC3269540.

Cardiac Synchrony
Pe´rez et al., Conscious processing of narrative stimuli synchronizes heart rate between individuals 2021, Cell Reports 36, 109692 


Benefits of crafting narrative to support emotional health
Pennebaker JW, Seagal JD., Forming a story: the health benefits of narrative ( J Clin Psychol. 1999 Oct;55(10):1243-54. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4679(199910)55:10<1243::AID-JCLP6>3.0.CO;2-N. PMID: 11045774. “Writing about important personal experiences in an emotional way for as little as 15 minutes over the course of three days brings about improvements in mental and physical health. This finding has been replicated across age, gender, culture, social class, and personality type… These findings suggest that the formation of a narrative is critical and is an indicator of good mental and physical health. Ongoing studies suggest that writing serves the function of organizing complex emotional experiences.”

Nurser, Kate, et al., Personal storytelling in mental health recovery  (January 2018) Mental Health Review Journal 23(1):00-00 DOI:10.1108/MHRJ-08-2017-0034

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